Monday, January 23, 2012


i have made a decision to stay at German Malaysian Institute . This decision was made because of :-
of course for Allah , then parents , and lastly maybe it is good for me . Insha Allah
benda ni berat sangat bg aku , sebab ini tentang masa depan aku for sure , aku tak nak menyesal macam haikal pernah cerita dalam cerita "3 idiot" . Amnani sekarang not a young teenage girl yg tak matang untuk buat keputusan lagi , seriously sekarang Amnani Ahmad dah jadi semakin matang dalam membuat keputusan . this decision was so hard me to decide, aku fikir why not I sacrifice untuk abah and emak kan ? they want me to stay there so badly. I realize the advantages to stay there

1) saya dapat mengurangkan beban mereka dalam hal duit kan ? this is fully sponsor 
2) if aku survive and graduated with flying colour aku akan confirm ke luar negara 
3) This is the most important RESTU from my parents , maybe dengan ini aku boleh lebih berjaya dan berjaya 

wish me luck to stay strong to survive there , aku harap segala PERIT , DERITA , PAHIT , KELAT tu macam kacang je aku go trough (: and one most important , straight A's for me , and my friends . Amin ~~ so semua batch experiment tahun 1994 will fly aboard , Insha Allah


  1. nani ! proud of youu ! good luck lovee <3

  2. thanks syanaz (: see aku dah jadi wanita yg matang , HAHAHA thanks .
